CommonLounge Archive

Project: Improve Craigslist's Visual Design

May 10, 2018


Almost every visual designer agrees that while Craigslist UX may be highly functional, its visual design could use a lot of improvement.

Craigslist HomePage (May 2018)


Your challenge in this project is to think of how you can improve the visual design of Craigslist. Is it possible to keep the same structure, but just give it a visual lift?

Device & Platform

The solutions you come up with should work on Desktop Web. Extra bonus for making it work on Mobile Web.

Hints and ideas

If you’re feeling stuck, you can look at a Sketch file with someone else’s redesign: Craigslist App Concept Sketch freebie

You can get some inspiration by searching Craigslist on Dribbble, a platform where other visual designers upload their work. This link will take you to the search page:

How to upload your deliverables?

Hit the Reply button below and create a post with screenshots of your work. The Commonlounge team will give feedback on every submission. In addition, please feel free to critique other submissions — there’s a lot of room to learn from each other.

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