Hands-on: Paths in a Grid (with progressive 'hint-by-hint' solution)
July 03, 2018
Enough of the tiling problems. Time for some 2D dynamic programming. You can work in any programming language of your choice - Python, C++, Java, or anything else you want. Let’s get started!
Problem Statement
You are given a grid with n rows and m columns. Some of the grid locations are blocked, and cannot be entered. Find the number of paths from the top-left corner of the grid to the bottom right corner.
Your solution should have run-time O(nm).
Example 1:
Number of paths = 10
Example 2:
Number of paths = 1
Example 3:
Number of paths = 3
Submitting your solution
Once you are confidant of your solution, take the quiz! It will provide you with some grids to run your code on.
Progressive ‘hint-by-hint’ solution
Only look at the hints if you can’t solve the problem for at-least 20-minutes. Read only one hint that you could not figure out on your own. Then spend at-least 20-minutes trying to solve the problem again.
Hint 1 (dp state):
count(i, j) = number of paths from (0, 0) to (i, j)
Hint 2 (recursion):
You can either come from top, or from the left. Hence, if square (i, j) is not blocked, then count(i, j) = count(i-1, j) + count(i, j-1).
Full solution
The solution for this assignment is included at the end of the quiz.