CommonLounge Archive

Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms

July 04, 2018

This is an advanced course on data structures and algorithms. If you want to data structures and algorithms from the ground-up, follows this…

Blockchain and Bitcoin Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts behind Blockchain and the Bitcoin protocol. With the demand for blockchain developers…

Blockchain and Ethereum Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts behind Blockchain and the Ethereum protocol. With the demand for blockchain developers…

Blockchain and IOTA Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts behind Blockchain and the IOTA protocol. With the demand for blockchain developers…

Blockchain and Ripple Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts behind Blockchain and the Ripple protocol. With the demand for blockchain developers…

Competitive Programming with C++ Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll first learn C++ — one of the most common programming languages. Next, you’ll learn some of the most useful algorithms…

Complete JavaScript Path

October 16, 2018

This path is for complete beginners and requires no prerequisites. It teaches you the foundational concepts of JavaScript — one of the most…

Data Science with Python Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll start with learning Python and brushing up on mathematical topics like probability and statistics required for Data…

Deep Learning with Python Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll start with learning Python and brushing up on Math required for Deep Learning. Next, you’ll learn some of the core…

Design Handoff and Collaboration Guide

January 21, 2019

Let’s imagine that you just finished preparing designs for a mobile app. You’re ready to give these designs to your engineering team. This…

Ethereum Developer Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts behind the Ethereum protocol and build projects for real-world application. With the…

Foundations of Python 3

September 27, 2018

This course will teach you the foundations Python 3 from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands-on, and each new concept is followed with…

How Bitcoin Works

October 04, 2017

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about how bitcoin works. No prerequisites are needed — you don’t need a…

How Ethereum Works

October 10, 2017

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about how Ethereum works. No prerequisite needed. You don’t need a university…

How IOTA Works

October 17, 2017

This introductory guide covers the basic concepts you need to understand about IOTA. No prerequisite needed. You don’t need a university…

How Ripple Works

October 17, 2017

This is the ultimate guide to learning and understanding all the basics of the Ripple (XRP): the protocol, consensus method, how to buy and…

How the Blockchain Works

October 31, 2017

Blockchains are one of the core backbones for decentralized cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. In this easy-to-understand guide, we cover the…

Learn Bioinformatics

March 27, 2018

This list consists of ~10 tutorials to learn bioinformatics. You can think of this list as a “Free Online Nano Book”. We’ll cover important…

Learn C++

September 11, 2018

Welcome to Commonlounge’s C++ Class. This is a 21-part course which will teach you C++ from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands-on and…

Learn Cryptography in 2 weeks

February 14, 2018

This list consists of ~15 tutorials to learn cryptography. You can think of this list as a “Free Online Nano Book”. You’ll learn…

Learn Data Science with Python

March 23, 2018

This 45-part course consists of tutorials, quizzes, hands-on assignments and real-world projects to learn data science, as well as advanced…

Learn Data Structures and Algorithms

December 28, 2016

This 28-part course consists of tutorials on data structures and algorithms. It alternates between tutorials and implementation, and you get…

Learn Django: From Beginner to Expert

September 27, 2018

This 26-part course consists of tutorials on how to learn web development with Django from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands-on and…

Learn HTML & CSS

June 22, 2017

This course introduces you to basics of web development — once done, you will be able to: Write clean semantic HTML markup Style your…

Learn JavaScript

September 26, 2018

This is a 24-part course which will teach you JavaScript from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands-on, and each new concept is followed…

Learn JavaScript (Advanced)

April 18, 2018

This 9-part course consists of tutorials on the most important concepts in advanced JavaScript including many code-snippets and hands-on…

Learn Machine Learning

December 09, 2017

This 29-part course consists of tutorials on ML concepts and algorithms, as well as end-to-end follow-along ML examples, quizzes, and hands…

Learn Machine Learning Algorithms

April 17, 2018

This course consists of 25 tutorials to learn core machine learning algorithms and their applications. Once done, you should have a good…

Learn PHP: From Beginner to Expert

September 20, 2018

Welcome to Commonlounge’s PHP Class. This is a 23-part course which will teach you PHP from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands-on and…

Learn Personal Finance

April 18, 2018

Personal Finance is one of the most important topics that isn’t taught in any school or university. It covers every important life event…

Learn Product Management

December 30, 2017

This 25-part course consists of tutorials on Product Management. Product Managers sit at the intersection of Business, Technology, and…

Learn Python 2

March 07, 2018

Welcome to Commonlounge’s Python Class. This is a 22-part course which will teach you Python 2 from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands…

Learn Python 3

July 26, 2018

This is a 23-part course which will teach you Python 3 from scratch. It’s designed to be very hands-on, and each new concept is followed…

Learn SQL for Data Analytics

July 04, 2018

This 5-part course consists of tutorials on how to learn SQL for Data Analytics. It’s designed to be very hands-on and will walk you through…

Learn Startup Marketing and Growth

December 24, 2017

This course has 25 short, crisp tutorials on how to grow your startup — once done, you should have a good understanding of what the field of…

Learn Tableau for Data Analytics

April 18, 2018

This 7-part course consists of hands-on tutorials that introduce you to the basics of using Tableau for Data Analytics. The primary…

Learn TensorFlow

April 18, 2018

TensorFlow is an open-source software library for dataflow programming across a range of tasks. It is a symbolic math library, and is also…

Learn UI Design

November 08, 2017

This course consists of about 20 short, crisp tutorials on UI Design — once done, you should have a good understanding of what the field of…

Learn UX Design

November 06, 2017

This 35-part course consists of tutorials on UX Design, including topics like User Research, Visual Design, the Sprint Process, etc. Once…

Linear Algebra, Statistics and NumPy

October 02, 2018

This short 5-part course provides a review of math topics for machine learning (linear algebra and statistics). It also teaches the Python…

Machine Learning with Python Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll start with learning Python and brushing up on Math required for Machine Learning. Next, you’ll learn some of the core…

Web Development with Django Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll start with learning the foundational web technologies and languages like HTML and CSS. Next, you’ll learn Django — a…

Web Development with PHP Path

October 16, 2018

In this path, you’ll start with learning the foundational web technologies and languages like HTML and CSS. Next, you’ll learn PHP — a…

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